Rainer Tiemann

Heaven and Hell

Tim, a good friend of us, will have his sixtieth anniversary in a few days time. He still works as a priest.

Yesterday we went to the wonderful "Kö", an exclusive shopping area in Düsseldorf, looking for a funny birthday present. In one of the windows of a special shop with china goods, we saw a nice bowl with an interesting text. It might be the right choice for Tim.

And that's why we like to inform you on this choice - just to put a little smile on your face:

Heaven is where the police are British,
the cooks French,
the mechanics German,
the lovers Italian,
and it is all organised by the Swiss.

Hell is where the chefs are British,
the mechanics French,
the lovers Swiss,
the police German,
and it is all organised by the Italians.

We bought this bowl for our friend, hoping Tim would have pleasure and will smile like you do. Do you really? Or are you not a good European?

RT 2012

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Rainer Tiemann.
Published on e-Stories.org on 13.09.2012.


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Bild von Rainer Tiemann


Book by Rainer Tiemann:


Sehnsuchtstage: Poetische Gedankenreise von Rainer Tiemann

Der rheinische Autor Rainer Tiemann unternimmt mit seinem Buch „Sehnsuchtstage“ gereimt und ungereimt eine sehnsuchtsvolle, poetische Gedankenreise durch das Leben. Liebe und Leid spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Auch Impressionen der Fußball-EM 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine wurden zeitnah festgehalten.

Es appelliert daran, sich dankbar an das zu erinnern, was jedes Leben so facettenreich und einzigartig macht.

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