In Brecht's parable, wisdom does ensue,
A tale of swings and hierarchies profound.
Above, a few, their voices loud, they spew,
"Join us atop, where power can be found!"
But closer look reveals a hidden game,
A swing, two-ended, fixed to even ground.
The ones above, they owe their lofty fame
To those below, by whom they're firmly bound.
For on this board, precarious it sways,
Dependent on the many, not the few.
The ones at top, they're there in borrowed praise,
Their perch secure as long as others rue.
Thus, in this system's tilt, we see the truth,
That balance rests on more than just aloof.
Based on:
Brecht's St. Joan Of The Stockyards
Joan Dark: "I see the system, and outwardly it is long known, only not in context! There are a few sitting above and many below, and those above are shouting down: Come up so that we are all on top, but if you look closely you see something hidden between those above and those below that looks like a path, but it's not a path but a board, and now you see it quite clearly 'it's a swing board, this whole system is a two-ended swing, which depend on each other, and those at the top sit at the top only because those at the bottom sit at the bottom, and only as long as those at the bottom sit at the bottom, and would no longer be at the top if those at the top were to leave their place, so that they must want them to sit at the bottom for eternity and not come up. There must also be more downstairs than upstairs, otherwise the swing will not hold"
All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 22.04.2024.
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